Monday, 7 September 2015
Amazon was the most famous website/company in this world invented and provided so many services used by us in a day to day lifetime. This post is about the founder of Amazon (who wants the customer to buy everything from his company) and about his inventions, background, when he started this idea, how much time he spent to develop this more friendly and helpful service. This topic contains the Amazon’s well reached (Innovative) products’ information.
Jeffery Pretson Jorgenson (Jeff) was born in January 12, 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His parents name was Jacklyn and Ted Jorgenson. He was studied in River Oak elementary school in Houston, Texas. In his summer holidays he spent time with his grandfather who was the retired regional director of the U.S Atomic Energy Commission. He form some pipes, vaccinate the cattle and fix windmills in his grandfather’s ranch. After his family was moved to Miami, Florida he was enrolled in Miami Palmetto Senior High School. In that time he was more interested in science technology. In 1982 he attended the Student Science Training Program at University of Florida and won the Silver Knight Award. He was the National merit scholar. In school times he started his first business venture, created the Dream Institute Education Summer Camp for the fourth, fifth, sixth graders. Then he joined in Princeton University for studying physics but at that time he was more interested in computers. Then finally he graduated in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. In Princeton University he was selected in the two oldest honor societies “Phi Beta Kappa”(Oldest honor society for liberal arts and science) and “Tau Beta Pi”(Oldest Engineering honor society).
After completing his degree in 1986 he was worked in Wall Street in Computer Science field. Then he worked in Fitel Company to build a network for international trade. Then he worked at Banker’s trust. In 1990 he became the youngest senior vice president at the D.E. Shaw investment firm. In 1994 he started thinking about Internet Enterprise and left his well paying job. He spent one year with five employees to source the books and built the first version of the online market place. He formed his office in his garage with that employees. After inviting 300 friends to beta test the site, Bezos introduced in July 1995. At starting stage Amazon’s main aim to become the ‘Earth’s Biggest Book Store’. Now according to the Forbes he was the 19th richest person in the world.
In 2000 Jeff found the new spaceflight company Blue Origin that was developed technologies to offer space travel to paying customers. It was kept secretively and came to public on 2006. He was more interested in developing aerospace hotels, amusement parks etc.

In July 1995 (virtual book store) was introduced by Bezos. Before that its original name was CADABRA (while under developing the website). This name was introduced on July 5, 1994. At starting stage Amazon’s main aim was to become the “Earth’s Biggest Book Store”. His number one focus was customers not sales or profits. At early stage sold books across the United States and reached 45 foreign countries within 30 days. went public in 1997. In 1998 Bezos expand this online shopping website for selling CDs and Videos. In June 19, 2000, the company released its logo like a curve arrow connecting A to Z in the word “Amazon” which representing that the Company will provide service for every products from A to Z!!. In 2007 the introduced a new handheld digital book reader called Kindle that allow user to buy, download, read and store their book selections.
Now the would sell the numerous products through online. They are DVDs, Blue-rays, CDs, Video Downloading, MP3 downloading, Software, Kindle e-book readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Fire phones, Videogames, Electronics, Apparel, Furniture, Food, Toys, Jewellery and cloths etc. Amazon was the world’s largest provider of cloud computing services.

Amazon Kindle is an online E-book shop introduced on November 19, 2007 that allows user to download, browse, read E-books, newspaper and magazines. The name (Kindle- Lighting the fire) of this product was suggested by Michael Cronan and Karin Hibma which means Reading and getting intellectual excitement. Kindle software also introduced for various devices and platforms such as Microsoft Windows, iOS, Blackberry, Mac OS X, webOS and Windows Phone. Amazon kindle has several versions then the notable features of each version are given below:

First device that includes free nationwide 3G access for downloading E-books from Kindle’s store.
Provided with SD card slot for expandable storage (It was the only version that contains this feature).
Had a speaker and headphone which allow the user to listen audio files.
It had approximately 200 non-illustrated titles.
Amazon did not sell the first generation Kindle outside the US.

Introduced on February 10, 2009 and became available for purchase on February 23.
Had a text to speech option to read the text aloud and 2GB of internal memory.
It does not have a slot for memory card.
On October 22, 2009 the company stopped Kindle 2 then started the international version of Kindle 2.

Introduced on October 7, 2009 and became available for purchase on October 19, 2009.
It additionally provide options to download new title of 100 countries and very similar to the above US version.
This version uses the GSM and 3G GSM enabling this service to the other countries.

Introduced on May 6, 2009.
This standard has an accelerometer that enables user to seamlessly rotate pages between landscape and portrait orientations.
It is more suitable for displaying newspaper, textbook content and allows users to download the books in the PDF format.

This international version was introduced on January 29, 2010.
On July 1, 2010 the Kindle DX Graphite version was introduced which was the revision of DX.
This international version could not be able to display the international fonts
It does not have Wi-Fi and text to speech features.

This was introduced on July 28, 2010 and renamed as Kindle Keyboard.
It comes under the two versions. The first version was Kindle Wi-Fi that connects the Internet exclusively via Wi-Fi networks. The other version includes both 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity.
It supports additional International fonts and text to read feature.
This Kindle Keyboard was the fastest Kindle ever.
A specific Ad supported version of the Kindle “Kindle with Special Offers” was introduced on May 3, 2011.

It was introduced on September 28, 2011.
This was the Amazon’s experimental web-browsing with Wi-Fi.
This fourth generation came with slight reduction in weight and size with silver-grey bezel with on screen rather than a physical Keyboard.
Contains a flash storage capacity of 2GB, and its battery life was extended to one month.
It was introduced in September, 2011.
This was the first kindle to support X- ray and list the commonly used character names, locations, themes, ideas in a book.
It was available with Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity.
It can able to connect with Kindle store to download books and periodicals and provide access to Wikipedia.

It was introduced in September 6, 2012.
This generation devices offers 15% faster page loads.
Then the first generation of Kindle Paperwhite was introduced on October 1, 2012 in US. It had the feature to adjust the light level manually. It had all the features in the previous models and additionally it uses the Hall Effect Sensor. This sensor having the ability to detect the cover is closed or not then according to that it turns off/on the screen. It lacks in providing the physical buttons. It came international in 2013. Many users complained this version that it could not be hold comfortably and the lighting features are not working.

It was introduced as the Second generation of Kindle Paperwhite in September 3, 2013.
It allows faster page turns and quick response for touch.
It includes the software features such as Wikipedia, Dictionary, X- ray, Look- up and PageFlip.
It was released in the international version in the middle of 2014.

It was introduced in October 2, 2014.
It was the first Kindle that allows using the touch screen for page navigation.
In that time on October 21, 2014 the Kindle voyage was introduced.
It allows the navigation in button format called PagePress formed in either side of the device and turns the page when pressed.
This Kindle version satisfied most of the users(9.1 out of 10).

Introduced in June 30, 2015.
It was the first E-reader that includes the Bookerly font specifically designed by Amazon for reading books.
This version improved the reading of PDF files.
Consequently the LCD versions of Kindle were introduced. Their series starts from Kindle Fire.

Introduced in September 28, 2011. This was the first kindle without E-Ink display (E-Ink which means Electrophoretic ink is a specific proprietary type of electronic paper manufactured by E-Ink Corporation). It has no 3G connectivity only had Wi-Fi. This version was refreshed to have more RAM, a faster process and updated software.

It was introduced in September 6, 2012. It is available in three sizes. They are 6 inch, 7 inch, 8.9 inch.

It was introduced in September 25, 2013 which was the third generation of Kindle Fire Tablet line. In 2014 it was refreshed and renamed as ‘Fire HDX” removing the name Kindle.

Amazon Appstore for Android Phones was introduced on March 22, 2011. This Appstore was first installed in Kindle Fire Tablet. It includes the “Free App Of The Day” feature that provide a free application may be a game every day. Then it provide Test Drive feature that allow the user to try an app or a game in the virtual copy. In this app store Amazon coins were introduced on May 2013. Amazon coin is a digital payment method used to purchase the software. These coins were used only in the Appstores of Kindle Fire Tablet and Android phones.

It is an UK based Online book seller. This company was founded in 2004 by Andrew Crawford with the aim to make “All Books Available”.

It is a video service provided by Amazon. Introduced on September 7, 2006. That time its original name was “Amazon Unbox” then on September 4, 2008 it was renamed as “Amazon Video On Demand”. Unbox referred to the player installed in the device. Finally the name changed into “Amazon instant Video”. Its UK version was introduced on February 26, 2014 which was the successor of LoveFilm (an UK based video provider). Amazon acquired LoveFilm and renamed it as Amazon Instant Video UK.

It was a small network appliance and entertainment device introduced on April 2, 2014. It is a type of a microconsole or a digital media player. It allows users to play video games, select and download them through appstore. It’s another version was introduced in November 19, 2014 as the “Fire TV Stick”.

Lab126 is a computer hardware subsidiary of Amazon Introduced in 2004. This name mentioned the all alphabets in English from 1 to 26. Lab126 Introduced the Amazon products Kindle fire tablet computer, Kindle Fire HD, Amazon Fire TV, Fire phone and Amazon echo.

In December 2013 Amazon introduced a new experimental initiative called “Amazon Prime Air”. A future delivery system designed to safely get packages into customer’s hands in 30 minutes. It used drones and remote controlled machines that can perform sequence of human tasks to provide delivery services for customers. The majority of purchases made on Amazon are low in weight and would be eligible for drone delivery. These drones are able to take item that having weight up to 5 pounds which had the capacity to travel within a 10-mile distance from the company’s distribution center. The drones have electric motors, so that they would environmentally friendly. This technique would improve the efficiency of delivery.

PlanetAll was the oldest social networking site on the internet Which had more than 100,000 groups. It was introduced on November 1996. When the user entered the name of his or her university, then this service would list the user’s classmates who were also members of the service. On August 4, 1998 Amazon company acquired this PlanetAll. Jeff Bezos said “PlanerAll is the most innovative use of internet I’ve seen. I believe PlanetAll will prove to be one of the most important online applications”. Less than two years the company shut down the PlanetAll. Amazon’s “purchase circle” coding were based on the PlanetAll.

It was founded as an independent company by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat in 1996 and acquired by Amazon in 1999. Its name selected as tribute to “Library of Alexandria”. It provides the information about web traffic and ranking of all the websites. First it gathers information about websites with its contents, related links, and historical truths in the websites and how frequently it was updated by using a separate toolbar and transmitting them to the Alexa website that having repository to store them. According to the visitors of the website Alexa provides traffic data and global ranking among 30 million websites. On December 2005 Alexa formed the extensive search index and web crawling facilities. It is discontinued in January 26, 2009 because this web search was not satisfying the customer requirements after that Alexa became a purely analystic-focused company. On March 31, 2009 it was redesigned and provided a new traffic metrics, average page views, individual page views, and bounce rate and user time on site.

It is a consumer goods ordering services. It contains one “dash button” which is a small electronic device that can be placed around anywhere in house and programmed to order the goods through it. Each device in the home contain dash button and user can configure them to order specific product. Pressing that button would send Wi-Fi signal to Amazon’s shopping App. Then it automatically order stocks. Currently there are 18 dash buttons are available.

It was introduced on November 6, 2014. In June 23, 2015 it was spread widely to the countries. Alexa is a voice command device that response all the commands such as playing music, question answering and controlling user’s smart devices. It consist of a tall cylinder speaker contains array of microphones and speakers including woofer (It is a kind of loud speaker driver used to produce low frequency sounds) and tweeter(Produce high frequencies). It was developed inside the Lab126 for four years and codenamed as Doppler. It provides services such as news and weather information from variety of sources; Play music from Google play store, Apple Music; Maintains voice controlled alarms; Access Wikipedia, etc!!!

It was introduced on 25, July 2014. The first smartphone or the Fire Phone, Shown by Amazon’s CEO at the event in Seattle. Which has 4.7 inch screen with 13MP camera sensors to track head gestures from users and change the display accordingly. Fire fly- important feature of Smartphone that used to identifies songs, films, TV shows, books and products then direct people to buy them from Amazon.

If you double the number of experiments you do per year you are going to double your inventiveness.
Life is too short to hang out with people who are not resourceful.
A brand for a company is not like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.
We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details.
Work hard, have fun, make history.
We can’t be in survival mode. We have to be in growth mode.

Amazon was the most famous website/company in this world invented and provided so many services used by us in a day to day lifetime. This post is about the founder of Amazon (who wants the customer to buy everything from his company) and about his inventions, background, when he started this idea, how much time he spent to develop this more friendly and helpful service. This topic contains the Amazon’s well reached (Innovative) products’ information.
Jeff bezos who found the world’s most famous number one online shopping website called AMAZON.
Jeffery Pretson Jorgenson (Jeff) was born in January 12, 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His parents name was Jacklyn and Ted Jorgenson. He was studied in River Oak elementary school in Houston, Texas. In his summer holidays he spent time with his grandfather who was the retired regional director of the U.S Atomic Energy Commission. He form some pipes, vaccinate the cattle and fix windmills in his grandfather’s ranch. After his family was moved to Miami, Florida he was enrolled in Miami Palmetto Senior High School. In that time he was more interested in science technology. In 1982 he attended the Student Science Training Program at University of Florida and won the Silver Knight Award. He was the National merit scholar. In school times he started his first business venture, created the Dream Institute Education Summer Camp for the fourth, fifth, sixth graders. Then he joined in Princeton University for studying physics but at that time he was more interested in computers. Then finally he graduated in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. In Princeton University he was selected in the two oldest honor societies “Phi Beta Kappa”(Oldest honor society for liberal arts and science) and “Tau Beta Pi”(Oldest Engineering honor society).
After completing his degree in 1986 he was worked in Wall Street in Computer Science field. Then he worked in Fitel Company to build a network for international trade. Then he worked at Banker’s trust. In 1990 he became the youngest senior vice president at the D.E. Shaw investment firm. In 1994 he started thinking about Internet Enterprise and left his well paying job. He spent one year with five employees to source the books and built the first version of the online market place. He formed his office in his garage with that employees. After inviting 300 friends to beta test the site, Bezos introduced in July 1995. At starting stage Amazon’s main aim to become the ‘Earth’s Biggest Book Store’. Now according to the Forbes he was the 19th richest person in the world.
In 2000 Jeff found the new spaceflight company Blue Origin that was developed technologies to offer space travel to paying customers. It was kept secretively and came to public on 2006. He was more interested in developing aerospace hotels, amusement parks etc.

In July 1995 (virtual book store) was introduced by Bezos. Before that its original name was CADABRA (while under developing the website). This name was introduced on July 5, 1994. At starting stage Amazon’s main aim was to become the “Earth’s Biggest Book Store”. His number one focus was customers not sales or profits. At early stage sold books across the United States and reached 45 foreign countries within 30 days. went public in 1997. In 1998 Bezos expand this online shopping website for selling CDs and Videos. In June 19, 2000, the company released its logo like a curve arrow connecting A to Z in the word “Amazon” which representing that the Company will provide service for every products from A to Z!!. In 2007 the introduced a new handheld digital book reader called Kindle that allow user to buy, download, read and store their book selections.
Now the would sell the numerous products through online. They are DVDs, Blue-rays, CDs, Video Downloading, MP3 downloading, Software, Kindle e-book readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Fire phones, Videogames, Electronics, Apparel, Furniture, Food, Toys, Jewellery and cloths etc. Amazon was the world’s largest provider of cloud computing services.
Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Kindle is an online E-book shop introduced on November 19, 2007 that allows user to download, browse, read E-books, newspaper and magazines. The name (Kindle- Lighting the fire) of this product was suggested by Michael Cronan and Karin Hibma which means Reading and getting intellectual excitement. Kindle software also introduced for various devices and platforms such as Microsoft Windows, iOS, Blackberry, Mac OS X, webOS and Windows Phone. Amazon kindle has several versions then the notable features of each version are given below:
First Generation:-
First device that includes free nationwide 3G access for downloading E-books from Kindle’s store.
Provided with SD card slot for expandable storage (It was the only version that contains this feature).
Had a speaker and headphone which allow the user to listen audio files.
It had approximately 200 non-illustrated titles.
Amazon did not sell the first generation Kindle outside the US.
Second Generation:-
Introduced on February 10, 2009 and became available for purchase on February 23.
Had a text to speech option to read the text aloud and 2GB of internal memory.
It does not have a slot for memory card.
On October 22, 2009 the company stopped Kindle 2 then started the international version of Kindle 2.
Kindle 2 International Version:-

Introduced on October 7, 2009 and became available for purchase on October 19, 2009.
It additionally provide options to download new title of 100 countries and very similar to the above US version.
This version uses the GSM and 3G GSM enabling this service to the other countries.
Kindle DX:-
Introduced on May 6, 2009.
This standard has an accelerometer that enables user to seamlessly rotate pages between landscape and portrait orientations.
It is more suitable for displaying newspaper, textbook content and allows users to download the books in the PDF format.
Kindle DX international Version:-
This international version was introduced on January 29, 2010.
On July 1, 2010 the Kindle DX Graphite version was introduced which was the revision of DX.
This international version could not be able to display the international fonts
It does not have Wi-Fi and text to speech features.
Third Generation:-
This was introduced on July 28, 2010 and renamed as Kindle Keyboard.
It comes under the two versions. The first version was Kindle Wi-Fi that connects the Internet exclusively via Wi-Fi networks. The other version includes both 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity.
It supports additional International fonts and text to read feature.
This Kindle Keyboard was the fastest Kindle ever.
A specific Ad supported version of the Kindle “Kindle with Special Offers” was introduced on May 3, 2011.
Fourth Generation:-
It was introduced on September 28, 2011.
This was the Amazon’s experimental web-browsing with Wi-Fi.
This fourth generation came with slight reduction in weight and size with silver-grey bezel with on screen rather than a physical Keyboard.
Contains a flash storage capacity of 2GB, and its battery life was extended to one month.
Kindle Touch:-
It was introduced in September, 2011.
This was the first kindle to support X- ray and list the commonly used character names, locations, themes, ideas in a book.
It was available with Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity.
It can able to connect with Kindle store to download books and periodicals and provide access to Wikipedia.
Fifth Generation
It was introduced in September 6, 2012.
This generation devices offers 15% faster page loads.
Then the first generation of Kindle Paperwhite was introduced on October 1, 2012 in US. It had the feature to adjust the light level manually. It had all the features in the previous models and additionally it uses the Hall Effect Sensor. This sensor having the ability to detect the cover is closed or not then according to that it turns off/on the screen. It lacks in providing the physical buttons. It came international in 2013. Many users complained this version that it could not be hold comfortably and the lighting features are not working.
Sixth Generation:-
It was introduced as the Second generation of Kindle Paperwhite in September 3, 2013.
It allows faster page turns and quick response for touch.
It includes the software features such as Wikipedia, Dictionary, X- ray, Look- up and PageFlip.
It was released in the international version in the middle of 2014.
Seventh Generation:-
It was introduced in October 2, 2014.
It was the first Kindle that allows using the touch screen for page navigation.
In that time on October 21, 2014 the Kindle voyage was introduced.
It allows the navigation in button format called PagePress formed in either side of the device and turns the page when pressed.
This Kindle version satisfied most of the users(9.1 out of 10).
Paperwhite third generation:-
Introduced in June 30, 2015.
It was the first E-reader that includes the Bookerly font specifically designed by Amazon for reading books.
This version improved the reading of PDF files.
Consequently the LCD versions of Kindle were introduced. Their series starts from Kindle Fire.
Kindle Fire:-
Introduced in September 28, 2011. This was the first kindle without E-Ink display (E-Ink which means Electrophoretic ink is a specific proprietary type of electronic paper manufactured by E-Ink Corporation). It has no 3G connectivity only had Wi-Fi. This version was refreshed to have more RAM, a faster process and updated software.
Kindle Fire HD:-
It was introduced in September 6, 2012. It is available in three sizes. They are 6 inch, 7 inch, 8.9 inch.
Kindle Fire HDX:-
It was introduced in September 25, 2013 which was the third generation of Kindle Fire Tablet line. In 2014 it was refreshed and renamed as ‘Fire HDX” removing the name Kindle.
Amazon Appstore:-
Amazon Appstore for Android Phones was introduced on March 22, 2011. This Appstore was first installed in Kindle Fire Tablet. It includes the “Free App Of The Day” feature that provide a free application may be a game every day. Then it provide Test Drive feature that allow the user to try an app or a game in the virtual copy. In this app store Amazon coins were introduced on May 2013. Amazon coin is a digital payment method used to purchase the software. These coins were used only in the Appstores of Kindle Fire Tablet and Android phones.
Book Depository:-
It is an UK based Online book seller. This company was founded in 2004 by Andrew Crawford with the aim to make “All Books Available”.
Amazon Instant Video:-
It is a video service provided by Amazon. Introduced on September 7, 2006. That time its original name was “Amazon Unbox” then on September 4, 2008 it was renamed as “Amazon Video On Demand”. Unbox referred to the player installed in the device. Finally the name changed into “Amazon instant Video”. Its UK version was introduced on February 26, 2014 which was the successor of LoveFilm (an UK based video provider). Amazon acquired LoveFilm and renamed it as Amazon Instant Video UK.
Amazon Fire TV:-
It was a small network appliance and entertainment device introduced on April 2, 2014. It is a type of a microconsole or a digital media player. It allows users to play video games, select and download them through appstore. It’s another version was introduced in November 19, 2014 as the “Fire TV Stick”.
Lab126 is a computer hardware subsidiary of Amazon Introduced in 2004. This name mentioned the all alphabets in English from 1 to 26. Lab126 Introduced the Amazon products Kindle fire tablet computer, Kindle Fire HD, Amazon Fire TV, Fire phone and Amazon echo.
Prime Air:
In December 2013 Amazon introduced a new experimental initiative called “Amazon Prime Air”. A future delivery system designed to safely get packages into customer’s hands in 30 minutes. It used drones and remote controlled machines that can perform sequence of human tasks to provide delivery services for customers. The majority of purchases made on Amazon are low in weight and would be eligible for drone delivery. These drones are able to take item that having weight up to 5 pounds which had the capacity to travel within a 10-mile distance from the company’s distribution center. The drones have electric motors, so that they would environmentally friendly. This technique would improve the efficiency of delivery.
PlanetAll was the oldest social networking site on the internet Which had more than 100,000 groups. It was introduced on November 1996. When the user entered the name of his or her university, then this service would list the user’s classmates who were also members of the service. On August 4, 1998 Amazon company acquired this PlanetAll. Jeff Bezos said “PlanerAll is the most innovative use of internet I’ve seen. I believe PlanetAll will prove to be one of the most important online applications”. Less than two years the company shut down the PlanetAll. Amazon’s “purchase circle” coding were based on the PlanetAll.
Alexa internet:-
It was founded as an independent company by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat in 1996 and acquired by Amazon in 1999. Its name selected as tribute to “Library of Alexandria”. It provides the information about web traffic and ranking of all the websites. First it gathers information about websites with its contents, related links, and historical truths in the websites and how frequently it was updated by using a separate toolbar and transmitting them to the Alexa website that having repository to store them. According to the visitors of the website Alexa provides traffic data and global ranking among 30 million websites. On December 2005 Alexa formed the extensive search index and web crawling facilities. It is discontinued in January 26, 2009 because this web search was not satisfying the customer requirements after that Alexa became a purely analystic-focused company. On March 31, 2009 it was redesigned and provided a new traffic metrics, average page views, individual page views, and bounce rate and user time on site.
Amazon Dash(Instant Product Ordering):-
It is a consumer goods ordering services. It contains one “dash button” which is a small electronic device that can be placed around anywhere in house and programmed to order the goods through it. Each device in the home contain dash button and user can configure them to order specific product. Pressing that button would send Wi-Fi signal to Amazon’s shopping App. Then it automatically order stocks. Currently there are 18 dash buttons are available.
ALEXA (Amazon Echo):-
It was introduced on November 6, 2014. In June 23, 2015 it was spread widely to the countries. Alexa is a voice command device that response all the commands such as playing music, question answering and controlling user’s smart devices. It consist of a tall cylinder speaker contains array of microphones and speakers including woofer (It is a kind of loud speaker driver used to produce low frequency sounds) and tweeter(Produce high frequencies). It was developed inside the Lab126 for four years and codenamed as Doppler. It provides services such as news and weather information from variety of sources; Play music from Google play store, Apple Music; Maintains voice controlled alarms; Access Wikipedia, etc!!!
Fire Phone:-
It was introduced on 25, July 2014. The first smartphone or the Fire Phone, Shown by Amazon’s CEO at the event in Seattle. Which has 4.7 inch screen with 13MP camera sensors to track head gestures from users and change the display accordingly. Fire fly- important feature of Smartphone that used to identifies songs, films, TV shows, books and products then direct people to buy them from Amazon.
Quotes of Jeff Bezos:
If you double the number of experiments you do per year you are going to double your inventiveness.
Life is too short to hang out with people who are not resourceful.
A brand for a company is not like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.
We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details.
Work hard, have fun, make history.
We can’t be in survival mode. We have to be in growth mode.
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