Showing posts with label personalities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personalities. Show all posts
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Mother Terasa
Hello guys,
In this post, I am going to say something about Mother Teresa who was the most awesome person in the history of India.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one”
Mother Teresa was one of the unbelievable legends; no one can’t think like or be like her. She was one of the great humanitarians who helped for the poorest of poor (persons who were rejected by others, unwanted unloved persons). She strongly believes that God would use her to serve people and she felt that God calls her to help disabilities, half died peoples affected by many incurable diseases etc.
“I ‘m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world”
What a lovely words from her and she had taken more and more efforts for completing God’s order. She believed that God lives among the poorest of poor.
She was the most inspiring people in the world. She is the master of peace and love. She delivered pure Christ of love to each and every person.
Mother Teresa was an important unique person in society. She had proven that love will change and cure anything in a positive manner.
She only changed the way of treating unloved, uncared persons and peoples affected be incurable diseases like AIDS, leprosy etc and put her great effort to serve them. She helped the dying peoples to enter into the heavens.
Most of us know about her or heard some information about her. But what’s her history? her birth place, family details, when she chose her missionary ideas are not known to some persons. In this post, I will give some useful information about Mother Teresa.
Everyone will respect her strong perseverance, helping ability and continuous serving for poor.
Early life:
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love”
Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje (Ottoman province of Kosovo now the capital of Macedonia). Her parent’s name was Nichola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu. Her father was an entrepreneur who worked as a construction contractor and a trader of medicines and other goods. Her Parents named as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu to Mother Teresa. Her parents had three children and she was the last. Her family was of Albanian descent and they were Catholics. In 1919, her father died at that time she was 8 years old.
The cause of death is not particularly known, many have said that political enemies poisoned him.
Mother Teresa attended Convent-run primary school and State –run the secondary school. At the age of 12, she strongly felt the call of God and inspired to help poor. She knew that she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. She decided to train for missionary work in India.
Agnes to Mary Teresa:
At the 18th age (1928) she left her parental home and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns in Rathfarnham with missions in Calcutta, India. The Sisters of Loreto were providing education for girls. She received training in Dublin and Darjeeling in India. In Ireland, she learned The English Language. She had taken her first religious vows in 1928.
In 1931, she chose the name Sister Mary Teresa from St. Theresa of Lisieux (1873 – 1897, a nun who served in past years inspired by Agnes). From 1931 to 1948, Mother Teresa taught geography and catechism at St Mary’s High School in Calcutta. She became its principal in 1944.
Starting activities to help poors:
In September 1944 she got an insight that
‘God lives among the poorest of the poor and that He wants her to serve Him’
In 1948, Mother Teresa saw a half dead woman lying in front of a Calcutta hospital. The painful situation of the woman touched Mother deeply. From then on she decided to help the poorest of the poor in India. Selfless work gave her the name ‘Saint of the Gutters’.
She got permission from Pope Pius XII () via the Archbishop of Calcutta to leave the convent school and live as an independent nun. She took up the short course with the Medical Mission Sisters in Patna and then returned to Calcutta.
She started an open-air school for homeless children. Many voluntary helpers joined in her mission. She also received financial support from church organizations and the municipal authorities.
On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received Vatican permission to start her own order. The Vatican had originally labeled it as the ‘Diocesan Congregation of the Calcutta Diocese’. Later it changed to ‘The Missionaries of Charity’. Its primary task was to love, care and to help people who are homeless or have been left alone.
Mother saw the glimpse of God in everyone that she met. Whether they were dying of AIDS or affected by harmful diseases. She wanted them to be able to die in peace and with dignity.
She said
‘Keep the joy of loving the poor and share this joy with all you meet. Remember, works of love are works of Peace. God Bless You’.
Mother learned some basic medicine and went into the homes of the sick to treat them. She found men, women, and children who were rejected by local hospitals and dying on the streets, she rented a room for those peoples to live there till they die peacefully.
It is named as ‘Home for the Dying’ founded in a former temple Calcutta in 1952. After this, she formed many homes for peoples dying of AIDS, alcoholics from Calcutta to New York (Albania).
In 1966, the Missionaries of Charity Brothers was founded. In 1971, the first home in the United States was established in the south Bronx, New York.
Today, the Society of Missionaries has spread all over the world, including the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. This Society helps the people affected by diseases and poor, it also undertakes relief work in floods, epidemics, famine and for refugees.
She was affected with Heart Attack in 1989 while visiting the John Paul II() in Rome. Then second time affected in 1989 and received an Artificial Pacemaker.
In 1991 in Mexico she was battled with pneumonia and then further affected with heart problems. In April 1996, she was affected with malaria and failure of left heart ventricle and affected with many problems at that time of her death.
Mother Teresa was first recognized by the Indian Government, awarded the Padma Shri in 1962.
In 1962, she received the Philippines based Ramon Magsaysay Award
for International Understanding and work for South or East Asia.
She received Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding in 1969.
Mother Teresa received The Pope John XXIII () Peace Price in 1971.
She received The Balzan Prize in 1979.
In 1980, Mother Teresa received India’s Highest Civilian Award Bharat Ratna.
Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1979.
In 2003 she was beatified (A dead person’s entrance into heaven) by Pope John Paul II and recognized as “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta”.
Her official biography was written by an Indian civil servant, Navin Chawla published in 1992.
The great God’s flower died on September 5, 1997, in Calcutta. A great hard working human being was got entered into the Heaven.
“By blood, I am an Albanian
By citizenship, I am an Indian.
By faith, I am a Catholic nun.
As to my calling, I belong to the world.
As to my heart, belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus”

This Pencil sketch of mother Terasa drawn by my friend R Jegan B.E EEE , thanks for his contribution in this post.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was the political leader, great humanitarian, philanthropist, and President of South Africa.
Nelson Mandela was a great socialist who protests against the white domination in South Africa.
He dismantled the legacy of apartheid (an African word means separation or state of being apart).
He spent 27 years in prison against apartheid.
In this post, I am going to remember his socialist activities and his continuous efforts for the equality in South Africa.
About family and Early life:
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in a village of Mvezo on the banks of River Mbashe, Transkei in South Africa.
His father Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela was the Chief of Tembu Tribe (which speaks The Xhosa language) and his mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni.
From his childhood, he was determined to become a lawyer. He would hear the stories of his ancestors’ and get inspired to make his on contribution to the freedom struggle of his people. At the age of 7, his mother joined him in local Methodist School where his teacher gave him the name “Nelson”. Mandela lived in Tembu until he was 9 years old. In his 16th age, his father died after that Mandela joined in Clarkebury Boarding Institute, he completed his Junior Certificate in two years, instead of the usual three.
In 1937, Mandela moved to Wesleyan College in Fort Beaufort. He was also interested in boxing and running.
Mandela completed his BA degree at the Fort Hare University, where he met Oliver Tambo, who became his lifelong friend. Mandela qualified in law in 1942.
Activities against white domination:
In 1942, Nelson Mandela joined in the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944 and founded its more dynamic African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL).
His friends, Walter Sisula and Oliver Tambo were with him. Mandela was a strictly disciplined worker.
His fellow members were got impressed by his consistent effort. In 1947, he was elected as the Secretary of the Youth League.
After 1948, he got engaged in resistance against the ruling National Parties Apartheid policies.
At this time, Mandela and his friend Oliver Tambo operated their law firm. They provided free or low-cost legal counsel to many blacks who were without legal representation.
In 1952, the ANC launched its Campaign for the Defiance (refuse to obey) of Unjust Laws. Mandela was elected National Volunteer-in-Chief.
The Defiance Campaign was conceived a mass civil disobedience campaign.
It initiated with few selected volunteers and was expected to involve more and more ordinary people, culminating in mass defiance.
Mandela traveled the country organizing resistance to discriminatory legislation. Then he was arrested and prohibited from attending gatherings.
His role was significant in popularizing the Freedom Charter adopted by the Congress of the People in 1955. Mandela went on trial for treason in 1956.
He was acquitted in 1961. Mandela and his colleagues now decided to resort to armed action in order to effect change.
The ANC has already been banned in 1960. Mandela thought of setting up a military wing within the ANC and this led to the formation of “Umkhonto we Sizwe”.
It was created when the government started killing and hurting people who protested against the apartheid In 1963 Mandela was arrested and imprisoned in Johannesburg Fort for Five years.
In 1963, many fellow leaders of the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe were arrested. When Mandela was brought before the court, his statements in trials have been an inspiration to those who have opposed apartheid.
Mandela’s one of the powerful statements was in Rivonia Trial ended with
“I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.
I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.
It is an ideal, which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die” On June 12, 1964, eight of the accused including Mandela were sentenced (forced) to life imprisonment.
Mandela was incarcerated at the notorious Robben Island Prison, located on a small island 7Km from the coast near Cape Town having maximum security. Then in December, he was moved to the Victor Verster Prison near Paarl.
In prison, Nelson Mandela refused to compromise his political position for his freedom. He became the most significant black leader in South Africa. (Needless to say, his reputation grew steadily).
He was released on February 18, 1990. In 1991, Mandela was elected the President of ANC.
In 1993, Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded jointly to Nelson Mandela and Fredrik Willem De Klerk the President of the Republic of South Africa. The Prize was awarded ‘for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime and for laying foundations for a new democratic South Africa’.
President of South Africa:
Mandela was elected as the President of South Africa in 1994. He was the first South African President who elected in a completely democratic non-racial election.
Mandela retired as President in 1999 and he went to serve as an advocate for many social and human rights organizations. He was also fought against AIDS and he has been devoted to democracy and equality.
Personal Life:
Mandela was called as Madiba after his father died, Madiba is the name of a Thembu Chief who ruled in the 18th century. Mandela married Evelyn Ntoko Mase in October 1944. They had two children. They divorced in 1957. Then he married Winnie Madikizela in 1958.
They had two daughters. They divorced in 1996. Mandela was married against to Graca Machel at his 80th age in 1998. He had six children, 17 grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren.
In 1993, Mandela awarded the Nobel Prize.
He had honorary degrees more than 50 from more universities in worldwide.
Some of them are,
In 1990, Mandela received the Bharat Ratna Award in India.
In 1992, he received the Pakistan’s Nishan-e-Pakistan.
He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from George W. Bush (President of the United States).
Mandela was awarded as the Order of Canada.
Mandela was the first recipient of the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights.
Mandela was also awarded the Order of Merit by Elizabeth 2.
Nelson Mandela Bridge and Nelson Mandela’s Bay Stadium was named his honor.
Finally, the great philanthropist Nelson Mandela was died on December 5, 2013. Everyone will remind his great hard work for his nation.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Hello guys,
In this post, I am writing about the great Scientist Sir. ALBERT EINSTEIN.
Albert Einstein was one of the most famous scientists in history; he invented the most important formula of physics, Mass Energy Equivalence formula which was world’s most famous equation.
I am not enough to explain his miracle inventions and just I want to share something about him and I remind people who were watching my blog, a great physicist, scientist, humanitarian ever who form this obvious equation,
This crossed everyone’s life and forced everyone to learn about it to pass in physics exams.
While I was studying in my schoolings I ever knew the importance of this awesome thing, like all the guys in my school I also started to mug up this formula even at that time I didn’t clear about its meaning, when coming to college again while studying physics then only I understand about it and wondered that what a man in history, still everyone who has studying under physics department would continually wondering about his thing, how a normal man is like this.
Then I started to know about Albert Einstein and studied a book about his life.
Then only I realized that beyond mass equivalence equation he invented more and solved more problems raised in physics which was implemented in today’s world.
Yes, his solutions are the basic things or foundations or preliminary things that must understand by a scientist and provided ideas for today’s advanced thinking.
Apart from these scientific things, Einstein was a good human being who was against the war and taken steps to avoid war.
Now in this post, I just want to share about One of the great, greatest best scientists ever Albert Einstein...!!
About family and early life:
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, at Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany.
His parents were Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch.
He had a sister named Maja. His father was a Salesman and Engineer.

Until his 3rd age, he didn’t speak.
Einstein was joined in Luitpold Gymnasium, Munich. Now it is named as Albert Einstein Gymnasium.
Einstein hated his school life but more interested in nature and understanding difficult mathematical concepts.
In 1894 he was 15years old; his father’s business was failed so they were shifted to Milan.
He continued his education in Aarau, Switzerland. (He showed greater interest in physics and mathematics more than other subjects, so his teachers suggest him to join in those majors).
In 1896, he joined in Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.

In 1901 after completing Diploma he was unable to find a teaching post.
In the same year, he acquired Swiss citizenship and working in a Swiss patent office as a technical expert third class.
In 1904, his position was made permanent. He worked in that office till 1909.
In this working time, he completed an astonishing range of theoretical physics publications, written in his spare time without contacting any scientific literature or colleagues.
Career in Physics and mathematics:
From the childhood itself, Einstein was more interested in Physics and Mathematical calculations.
In 1909, he became “Professor Extraordinary” at Zurich.
In 1911, he worked as a Professor of Theoretical Physics at Karl- Ferdinand University in Prague.
In 1911, he makes preliminary predictions about how a ray of light from a distant star, passing near the Sun, would appear to be bent slightly, in the direction of the Sun which was highly significant and first experimental evidence in favour of Einstein’s theory.
In 1912, he started a new phase of gravitational research. He called it as “The general theory of relativity”.
In late 1915 he published the definitive version of the general theory.
British eclipse expeditions confirmed his predictions in 1919 he as idolised (worshipped) by the popular press.
Headline of “The London Times” on 7 November 1919 was “Revolution in science – New theory of the Universe- Newtonian ideas overthrown”
Inventions of Einstein:
The year 1905 was noted that “Einstein’s Miracle Year”. In that one year, Einstein had successfully done these following things.
In 1827, the Botanist Robert brown observed the movement or motion of spores in the plant by using a microscope.
He identified that molecules in a system are moving randomly which is known as the Brownian movement.
No other definitions explained the satisfactory reason for this random movement held in the molecules.
Einstein gives the first definition satisfied and accepted by everyone and experimented successfully. Albert Einstein invented this definition in 1905.
According to the classical theory, light rays were considered as a composition of waves, when light scatters on certain substances the number of electrons out from that substance only increased and not the energy of that electron increased.
But Einstein proposed that under some of the circumstances light can be considered as a set of particles and energy carried by a light particle is called as a photon and he stated that the photon is proportional to the frequency of the light.
This is known as Photo-Electric Effect. At that time, this definition was not accepted by everyone. But later for his invention in 1922, Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics.
Einstein provided a consistent description of physical events in different inertial frames of reference without making special assumptions about the nature of the matter or radiation or way of interaction. This was known as Special Theory of Relativity.

Mass-energy equivalence formula of Einstein E=mc² laid
the background for the invention of atomic bombs.
In 1911, Einstein provided the definition for “Why is the Sky Blue”. He calculated the formula for light scattering from molecules.
In 1916, Einstein expanded the Special Theory of Relativity to General Theory of Relativity. This can be applied for systems in non-uniform motions and uniform motions.
In 1924 Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose
sent Einstein a paper about Plank law, Einstein generalizedBose’s theory and the result of Einstein and Bose’s effect was named as Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC).
In 1926, Einstein and his student Leo Szilard invented a the refrigerator, an absorption the refrigerator that has no moving parts and it does not require any electrical source but needing an only heat source. This was known as Einstein Refrigerator.

Personal life:
In January 1903, Einstein married Mileva Maric and they had a daughter and two sons.
They divorced in 1919. In that year on 2, June Einstein married his cousin Elsa Lowenthal.

He joined with Dr. Chaim Weizmann and established the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and served as Governor of University from 1925 to 1928.
He left his scientific papers to Hebrew University. In 1933, they emigrated to the United States and Einstein was appointed as the Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton.
His wife was affected by heart and kidney problems and she died in December 1936.
Then he became US citizen in 1940 and retired in 1945.
Strived for peace:
At the same time, he spent his most of the time to political causes close to his heart, always striving for peace, freedom and social justice.
In 1920, he became the active leader of the “International anti-war movement” and wrote his famous letter to US President Roosevelt, urged him to initiate an American nuclear research programme.
He constantly (continually) trying to create effective international cooperation to prevent war.
The U.S.Federal Bureau of Investigation kept a file about Einstein’s links to Germany, Zionism and communist figures containing 1,427 pages.
Einstein strongly believed that wars are the most dangerous threat to nature and all living organisms.
While seeing the World War 1, Einstein felt the destructing damages of the war, after that he considered to avoid wars and atomic weapons.
Let us have a look at awards of Einstein:
Einstein awarded near seven Honorary Doctorate Awards in Fifteen Years, they are,
In 1919 at University of Rostock,

In 1921 at Princeton University,

In the 1923 University of Madrid,
In 1930 Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule(ETH), Zurich,
In 1931 Oxford University,
In 1934 Yeshiva College, New York and
In 1935, Harvard University is awarded Honorary Doctorate to Einstein.
In 1925, Royal Society of London Copley medal was given to Einstein.

In 1926, Royal Astronomical Society awarded Gold medal to Einstein.

In 1929, German Physical Society awarded Max-Plank medal to Einstein.
In 1922 Nobel Foundation awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics for his Photo-Electric Effect.
In 1935 Franklin Institute, Philadelphia awarded Einstein a Benjamin Franklin Medal.
Albert Einstein also concentrated more on other non-scientific events like
Zionism -1930,
Why War – 1933,
My philosophy -1934,
Out of My Later Years – 1950.
These are some examples of non-scientific works of Einstein.
Finally, Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955, at Princeton, New Jersey and cremated at 4 pm at Trenton, New Jersey.
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